Pipkin Natural Rose Pink Himalayan Salt 500g, Fine Grade 0.3-1mm Size, Premium Gourmet Food Grade A, Pure Unrefined Hand…


🗻 100% NATURAL, UNREFINED AND NO ADDITIVES – The purest salt on Earth, hand-mined and hand-washed after harvesting it from the Himalayas. It has been hidden and carefully protected from modern day pollution for millions of years. This crystal Himalayan salt is a special form of ancient sea salt, enriched with dozens of revitalising minerals over the years.
🗻 HIGH MINERAL CONTENT AND NOTHING ELSE – It contains over 84 revitalising trace minerals and no additives or preservatives. It is naturally gluten-free and diary-free, also suitable for vegetarians, vegans and paleo diets. The gorgeous rose gold pink colour is an indicator of the high mineral content such as iron, potassium and magnesium. Contains all mineral elements that your body needs and should contain.
🗻 PURE PINK & TASTY REPLACEMENT OF TABLE SEA SALT – Unlike the general table sea salts, this Himalayan salt has a gentle, mild salty taste which makes it the perfect alternative table / sea salt replacement. Fine grade 1-2mm form makes it easy to pinch and sprinkle as seasoning and easily dissolves when used for baking or cooking.

SKU: ics-7HUUY1860 Category:
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🗻 100% NATURAL, UNREFINED AND NO ADDITIVES – The purest salt on Earth, hand-mined and hand-washed after harvesting it from the Himalayas. It has been hidden and carefully protected from modern day pollution for millions of years. This crystal Himalayan salt is a special form of ancient sea salt, enriched with dozens of revitalising minerals over the years.
🗻 HIGH MINERAL CONTENT AND NOTHING ELSE – It contains over 84 revitalising trace minerals and no additives or preservatives. It is naturally gluten-free and diary-free, also suitable for vegetarians, vegans and paleo diets. The gorgeous rose gold pink colour is an indicator of the high mineral content such as iron, potassium and magnesium. Contains all mineral elements that your body needs and should contain.
🗻 PURE PINK & TASTY REPLACEMENT OF TABLE SEA SALT – Unlike the general table sea salts, this Himalayan salt has a gentle, mild salty taste which makes it the perfect alternative table / sea salt replacement. Fine grade 1-2mm form makes it easy to pinch and sprinkle as seasoning and easily dissolves when used for baking or cooking.
🗻 HEALTHY BENEFITS – Can be used for detoxifying purposes in your bath as Himalayan salt scrub exfoliating treat. Deep cleans and rejuvenates the dull and tired skin. Use to increase electrolyte balance and preventing muscle cramping. It naturally helps your body to deal with toxins while keeping your mineral levels naturally balanced.
🗻 HIGHEST LEVEL A GOURMET FOOD GRADE NATURAL SALT – Simply sprinkle on salads, add to soups or use in everyday cooking for a boost in nutrition to your diet. The salt which is hand-mined from the Himalayas has been protected from modern day pollution which means it is at its cleanest, most pure form and retains all the trace minerals which you don’t get from refined white salt.
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